Saturday, June 28, 2008

If Gordon Brown has created negative historical ‘precedent’ as incompetent...then Ken Livingstone has done worse. As a Crossrail tout….

1120 Hrs GMT 1220 Hrs UK Time London Saturday 28 June 2008 KHOODEELAAR! is the campaign against Crossrail, the campaign against the ‘Crossrail Bill’, the campaign against the agenda that prompts the ‘Crossrail Bill’;

Khoodeelaar! is organized in defence of the community in the East End of London; Khoodeelaar! was first mobilised in the beginning of 2004 and has been active ever since on constitutional, ‘parliamentary’, ‘local council’, GLA, ‘London mayor’ contexts to defend the community in the East end of London and ALSO to articulate and establish sets of moral, ethical democratic criteria for representation……..

This is continuing this weekend [Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 June 2008] with our updating of the roles played for Big Business and against the community by the locally ‘elected’ Tower Hamlets Council and by the just-ousted occupant in the post of ‘mayor’ in the name of and at the expense of London, Ken Livingstone….

Livingstone ['Kenneth'] did more harm than any other single holder of publicly paid for office or post in the name of London to undermine the universal values of morality in political ‘agenda’ ‘patronage’ and decision-making…. So corrupt has Ken Livingstone’s role in defying democracy been that the envelope of Ken Livingstone corruption will take more than the 4 year term that his ‘successor’ [more on Boris Johnson in the days weeks to come] has to ‘theoretically, notionally undo the damage Livingstone has done whilst in office…; The biggest damage is to the cause of trust and reliability….

Although Livingstone has been promoted by the morally unjustified cabals of propagandists including the Guardian Unbelievable and the BBC after he was comprehensively shown to have been defeated at the 1 May 2008 elections held in London - and will be promoted on BBC radio 4 even today [Saturday 28 June 2008] via the Corrupting ‘barrsiter-cum-or-turned-media-time-serever-self-seeker-careerist’ Clive Anderson - the evidence of Livingstone’s role in institutionalizing pro-racist ethnicity-linked corruption to sabotage the universal human rights of people of African, Asian and other backgrounds is crying out to be examined…

That is the only ethical moral and just way forward for the people who constitute the population of London today….. The touting role the Livingstone played ‘as mayor of London’ for Big Business Crossrail has been as corrupt and illegal and wrong as has been his role in lying for the London hosting of the 2012 Olympic Games…. [To be continued]